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PostPosted: Sat May 05, 2007 8:04 am
by FireFoxx
My friend bought a wiikey a few days ago. He says its pretty sweet, you can play wii and gamecube games burned to dvd as well as play the gamecube homebrew on there such as snes, n64 etc. It has FW updates which i think is cool because you can keep it updated to fix bugs and get new stuff added.

I am considering to get one, but the only thing that turns me away is the price of $120

PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2007 4:15 pm
by brentbizzle
In my opinion the "commercial" chips out aren't worth it. I went the Wiifree route. Works just like most of the mod chips out there, but for barely even a fraction of the price. Granted you have to make a pic programmer, but that is super easy. If you would like a Wiifree chip, I would be more then happy to send you one for $5 to cover mats and postage cost.

And what do you mean $120? The Wiikey is about $40.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 1:59 pm
by FireFoxx
with installation. It looks like the wiikey got deserted, there still hasnt been the promised update that fixes gamecube audio from a few monthes ago.

Can you give me more info about the wiifree?