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Gamecube Memory Card F*cked Up?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 11:00 am
by Sonikku 2
I think my GC Memory Card is all ruined because when i use NuGaSa and press 1 it wont go the Memory Card Screen and if i press 2 and try to copy a sav file to the GC Card it will crash (CODE DUMP: blablablabla...) i also tried Gamecube Saver and also made a Crash DUMP so if i format my GC Memory Card will it work again like normal sh*t? But i have a VERY important Sonic Adventure 2 Battle save and i cant try risking it's loss and i cant buy another GC Card. What can i do?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 7:09 pm
by Alex Finlay
a code dump is because of a problem in the actual application/program i suggest getting an update for w/e program you use.
(as long as u can actualy use the memory card its not a problem in it)
(you can always download a save dont forget that)

PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 1:01 am
by Sonikku 2
Yeah Gamecube Saver said that it SHOULD make a code dump and that when i press A i should then reset but when i checked the memory card the save was not there. And i have another problem, some of the homebrew channel apps are notloading. For Example: I try to load MIOSPatcher but it only results in a black screen and AR Loader 1.14 loads to a black screen and nothing else and so does the WAD Manager i am on 4.2E. What's happening?