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PostPosted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 1:45 pm
by Necrophiliac
I downloaded Flow the other day when it was released and even though I get the basic point (eat things, eat the red things not the blue ones) I wish they had some sort of manual explaining what the hell you're doing. Sometimes my critter turns red, what does that mean? Different forms do different things when a button is pressed, which states of evolution have what powers? If Sony is going to charge for a game that initally was supposed to come with the system the least they could do is provide some instruction. Anybody know of a site that describes what the hell is going on? I mean it's fun and easy but I wish I knew what was happening.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 3:30 pm
by Supashay91
There is already a topic on this subject here

oh and instructions can be found here from the original