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Plasmolifting PRP Tubes

PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 7:26 am
by rerka
Plasmolifting PRP Tubes
Plasma therapy is a relatively new method, but it has already managed to prove its high efficiency. Invented by Russian scientists Zarudiy R.F. and Akhmerov R.R. in 2003. Today it is actively used in orthopedics, traumatology and neurology.
Its essence can be briefly described as the introduction of purified blood (plasma) into the affected area. Moreover, not donor blood is used, but the patient's own blood (autoplasm), which eliminates the risk of infection and eliminates the need to search for suitable blood.
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The method is based on using only the body's own resources, without resorting to the introduction of foreign chemical compounds.
Human blood is a plasma with cellular elements contained in it. The main cellular elements are erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets.
Each of them performs its own functions:
red blood cells carry oxygen,
white blood cells protect us from infections,
platelets are involved in blood clotting processes.
What are platelets for?
For example, with cuts, when small capillaries are damaged, platelets accumulate around the lesion and contribute to the formation of a blood clot. If it were not for platelets, then such a minor household injury could end in massive bleeding.
In addition, platelets have a unique ability to stimulate the growth and regeneration of tissues in the place of their accumulation. Thanks to platelets, the cells of the body are restored. It is on this unique ability that the effect of plasma therapy is based.
To carry out the plasma therapy procedure, a small amount of blood is taken from the patient into a test tube. This tube is placed in a centrifuge, as a result of which erythrocytes and leukocytes settle, and only plasma saturated with platelets remains in the upper layer in the tube.
It is this plasma with platelets that is injected into the foci of destruction and inflammation, creating the effect of platelet accumulation. The body "perceives" their introduction as a signal to stimulate cell repair. As a result, regenerating cells act locally, precisely in those areas that need help.
It is important to understand that only the patient's own plasma (autoplasm) isolated from his "native" blood is used during the procedure.