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New Outlook On The War In Iraq



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Post Tue Nov 16, 2010 4:20 pm

Re: New Outlook On The War In Iraq

DarkPacMan77 wrote:
BKFraiders7 wrote:
DarkPacMan77 wrote:When was a declaration of war signed?


Who said it was?

LOL you just did in the post above my last one... didn't you? I mean, you said not on paper but to my knowledge there's been no declaration other than to say "the war on terrorism".


Lol I never said it was signed. A declaration of war was passed through Congress (right?) and we know Terrorist Organizations knew about it passing too.
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Post Tue Nov 16, 2010 5:00 pm

Re: New Outlook On The War In Iraq

What is going to get us more involved in other country? Invading various other ones or worrying about keeping out bad guys?


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Post Tue Nov 16, 2010 5:25 pm

Re: New Outlook On The War In Iraq

"They weren't here till we went there" Congressman Ron Paul
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Post Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:59 pm

Re: New Outlook On The War In Iraq

Great quote, Que.

BKF, it was passed because we told a country to do things that it didn't have to do because the government we had no right going there, which made them look even worse.
Things that allowed us to invade were: Iraq having WMD's, people responsible for 9/11 being in Iraq, and not letting us look at all of their secret government research.
You of course know that the first two are completely false, and why would any country just give into another country's demands and give up their technological advancements and research?! I know I wouldn't give into a bully, and neither did Iraq.

You were told to be scared because Iraq was an enemy and you listened. That's the definition of terrorism. Obviously, the real terrorists are in our government.

Bush wanted to 'finish his daddy's war' and get oil.

I hope you now realize the craziness of this 'war.'


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Post Tue Nov 16, 2010 8:21 pm

Re: New Outlook On The War In Iraq

Where in any of my posts have you came to the conclusion that im scared? In every discussion me and you have had crait your next comments are always ALWAYS full of assumptions. Its sad. Im in The United Freaking States of America here- The #1 country in the World and your saying Im scared? bahahahah

If you think America is so bad, such a bully..leave. Nobody wants that kind of people here anyway. Complaining Complaining Complaining and the door has been sitting right there the whole time.

If Oil was the only reason America went to war then that is STILL a valid reason. How many cars machines do you own that does not take oil? They werent willing to sell it too us at a cost we saw fit so we took it. Looking out for ourselves is human nature and theres nothing wrong with that.
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Post Tue Nov 16, 2010 8:35 pm

Re: New Outlook On The War In Iraq

BKFraiders7 wrote:If Oil was the only reason America went to war then that is STILL a valid reason. How many cars machines do you own that does not take oil? They werent willing to sell it too us at a cost we saw fit so we took it. [ ... ] theres nothing wrong with that.

If you go into the store and you want a new computer and they aren't going to give it to you at a fair price, you're just going to steal it from them?!
We have plenty of Oil in Alaska! Guess what! There isn't a price on that! It's free! We own it.
Now, you tell me how using force to steal something is American, humane, or even ethical.
It isn't. This is a very, very disturbed point that you're trying to bring across. America is not supposed to be a country of thieves and as you say, "leave. Nobody wants that kind of people here anyway."

Using force to enter another country to steal what they have is not right. It doesn't matter if I own 1 car or 100,000.
How would you like it if I wanted to buy your XBox for $10 and you said no. Should I take it from you, even using force? Because that's what you're saying is "right," "valid," and or "human nature."
Those are your words, not mine.

BKFraiders7 wrote:Where in any of my posts have you came to the conclusion that im scared? In every discussion me and you have had crait your next comments are always ALWAYS full of assumptions. Its sad. Im in The United Freaking States of America here- The #1 country in the World and your saying Im scared? bahahahah

You weren't scared on Sept. 11th? Everyone was. Well, maybe not afraid, but terrified.
I'm not assuming anything. You said that "A declaration of war was passed and both nations.." You told me that you never said anything about the two nation, yet I laid in front of you your own quote. Also, n that sense, it's a document. You can't pass a verbal statement the way you were describing and DPM asked you about it. You said you didn't say that, again.

BKFraiders7 wrote:If you think America is so bad, such a bully..leave. Nobody wants that kind of people here anyway. Complaining Complaining Complaining and the door has been sitting right there the whole time.

This is the exact opposite of what America was founded on. We're supposed to be a country of great minds from all different backgrounds and cultures. You can't just tell someone to leave because of their ideas.
And you certainly can't stick up for a bully.

I keep showing you exactly where your logic is destructive and inhumane, but you keep saying that you didn't say something, you keep ignoring it like with post # 17 of this thread, or just stating whatever your opinion is as fact.
I'm still waiting to proper responses of post # 17 and especially a reply to why stealing something from someone for our own selfish gain is humane.

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Post Tue Nov 16, 2010 10:40 pm

Re: New Outlook On The War In Iraq

crait wrote:WHAT?! Killing innocent people is never worth it!

I am a very strong believer that civilians should have absolutely no part in conflicts decided by their government (In other words, you choose to fight if you want to). Though in rare cases it is necessary. Hiroshima and Nagasaki for example. A full invasion force would have killed plenty more than the bombs did, however most of those would be soldiers, a good chunk would also be civilians.


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Post Tue Nov 16, 2010 11:00 pm

Re: New Outlook On The War In Iraq

Diehard335 wrote:
crait wrote:WHAT?! Killing innocent people is never worth it!

I am a very strong believer that civilians should have absolutely no part in conflicts decided by their government (In other words, you choose to fight if you want to). Though in rare cases it is necessary. Hiroshima and Nagasaki for example. A full invasion force would have killed plenty more than the bombs did, however most of those would be soldiers, a good chunk would also be civilians.

This is a good viewpoint. Fight the wars that you think are right. Don't be forced. I like it
But, we can all agree that people that choose not to fight should not be killed by either side.


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Post Tue Nov 16, 2010 11:13 pm

Re: New Outlook On The War In Iraq

crait wrote:we can all agree that people that choose not to fight should not be killed by either side.

It should be avoided at all costs, and viewed as the highest priority, yes.

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Post Wed Nov 17, 2010 12:03 am

Re: New Outlook On The War In Iraq

Diehard335 wrote:
crait wrote:we can all agree that people that choose not to fight should not be killed by either side.

It should be avoided at all costs, and viewed as the highest priority, yes.

yes yes it should but as ive stated before we are a violent species and we always have been whether you believe in evolution or creation no matter your religion or belief system there will always be violence and people will always find some reason to start a war take Africa for example there are at least 5 Civil Wars being fought over there while we speak and the reasons for them? one tribe had something another wanted and they didnt feel like asking or one warlord was being too much of a douche to his people and they started rebelling while im against wars for frivilous causes i realize that as human beings its in our nature to fight even so called pacifists learned how to fight aka defend themselves buddhist monks are trained in the art of pole fighting to this day and yet they are supposed to be pacifists

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Post Wed Nov 17, 2010 12:12 am

Re: New Outlook On The War In Iraq

irishdragon85 wrote:
Da Cool Man wrote:
ace wrote:Yea I just picked a random link looking through the news articles. Although I'm sure you would care about "winning the war" if they bombed a church that all of your family members attended. But civilian causalities caused by both sides happens in every war, and there will always be war. I'd feel a little better about it though if we were actually defending ourselves instead of just going out and looking for high value targets. But at the same time you made it sound like all of those civilian deaths were caused by us, which I just don't feel to be true.

I'm curious though, do you not agree with the US's involvement in WWII?

most are, some aren't...

and ace, there won't always be war, we just have to wait for what happened in equilibrium to happen in real :P

i disagree there will always be war its human nature we are a vain species think about it like this lets say Brazil has a resource we want but they aint willing to share with a contract or anything then the United States will find some reason to invade for said resource its in our DNA

I'm guessing you haven't watched the movie, because if you did you would know that I was joking... and notice the :P at the end...
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Post Wed Nov 17, 2010 12:15 am

Re: New Outlook On The War In Iraq

that was my bad Da i didnt read qhat you had said i just meant to quote ace but i wasnt paying attn and quoted the entire thing :P and no i havent seen equilibrium :P


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Post Wed Nov 17, 2010 4:47 am

Re: New Outlook On The War In Iraq

crait wrote:WHAT?!?!
If you go into the store and you want a new computer and they aren't going to give it to you at a fair price, you're just going to steal it from them?!
We have plenty of Oil in Alaska! Guess what! There isn't a price on that! It's free! We own it.
Now, you tell me how using force to steal something is American, humane, or even ethical.
It isn't. This is a very, very disturbed point that you're trying to bring across. America is not supposed to be a country of thieves and as you say, "leave. Nobody wants that kind of people here anyway."

Once again, look out for yourself first, worry about your friends next, then deal with your enemies. Human Nature. Your examples are pointless since we are both citizens of the US and Computers arent a good example in itself because computers arent a necessity (although you will argue this point too :roll: ). If the Wal-Mart down the road had the [b]ONLY food in the world and you had 300,000,000 million people to feed, and they wanted $100,000,000 (exaggeration) per can of spam your saying you would rather starve then not take the food then? The obvious answer is the one you dont want to admit to. But..but..we have 1000 cans of spam in the backyard... How long is that going to last? Its just offsetting the problem.[/b]

Using force to enter another country to steal what they have is not right. It doesn't matter if I own 1 car or 100,000.
How would you like it if I wanted to buy your XBox for $10 and you said no. Should I take it from you, even using force? Because that's what you're saying is "right," "valid," and or "human nature."
Those are your words, not mine.

My words did not deal with household appliances or game consoles. It deals with food, water, and, sadly due to our dependence, oil.

You weren't scared on Sept. 11th? Everyone was. Well, maybe not afraid, but terrified.
I'm not assuming anything. You said that "A declaration of war was passed and both nations.." You told me that you never said anything about the two nation, yet I laid in front of you your own quote. Also, n that sense, it's a document. You can't pass a verbal statement the way you were describing and DPM asked you about it. You said you didn't say that, again.

On September 11, 2001 I was 8 years old. You betcha I was terrified when I heard people yelling and saw my momma crying.

The two nations thing I already clarified to you ignorant. You can pass a verbal statement about a delcaration of war and I did tell DPM that it was never signed like you and him kept saying.
DarkPacMan77 wrote:When was a declaration of war signed?


Lol I never said it was signed. A declaration of war was passed through Congress (right?) and we know Terrorist Organizations knew about it passing too.

This is the exact opposite of what America was founded on. We're supposed to be a country of great minds from all different backgrounds and cultures. You can't just tell someone to leave because of their ideas.
And you certainly can't stick up for a bully.

Watch listen closely... go away. =D>

I keep showing you exactly where your logic is destructive and inhumane, but you keep saying that you didn't say something, you keep ignoring it like with post # 17 of this thread, or just stating whatever your opinion is as fact.
I'm still waiting to proper responses of post # 17 and especially a reply to why stealing something from someone for our own selfish gain is humane.[/quote]

Where have I said I didnt say that? To you about the countries/nations I apologized for and corrected myself. To DPM I never said it was signed like he was implying. You make it sound like After every post deny something.
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Post Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:12 am

Re: New Outlook On The War In Iraq

"Now, you tell me how using force to steal something is American, humane, or even ethical."
I didn't see your answer. You only told me that we did it because oil is necesary to life and you implied that we can only get it from Iraq.

The sole reason I said computers and the fact that you said other places sell them is the exact point point of it all!! We can get oil from anywhere else in the world that we want! Even in America, where it's free! Oil is never and will never be a justification for entering a war!
We have oil, why take it from others?

It seems to me that you're only reading half of every post in this thread. This isn't a debate thread because you're not debating. You're picking and choosing half-sentences and you're looking at them.
It gets really annoying when people do this.

Oh, and thanks for agreeing with me that you were scared. I guess I wasn't lying.


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Post Wed Nov 17, 2010 9:45 am

Re: New Outlook On The War In Iraq

crait wrote:"Now, you tell me how using force to steal something is American, humane, or even ethical."
I didn't see your answer. You only told me that we did it because oil is necesary to life and you implied that we can only get it from Iraq.

The sole reason I said computers and the fact that you said other places sell them is the exact point point of it all!! We can get oil from anywhere else in the world that we want! Even in America, where it's free! Oil is never and will never be a justification for entering a war!
We have oil, why take it from others?

It seems to me that you're only reading half of every post in this thread. This isn't a debate thread because you're not debating. You're picking and choosing half-sentences and you're looking at them.
It gets really annoying when people do this.

Oh, and thanks for agreeing with me that you were scared. I guess I wasn't lying.

this is just my opinion but i think the real reason we invaded Iraq (and yes WE invaded THEM Hussein had nothign to do with 9/11 which was the reason originally for us going over there to begin with but i digress) is because good ol redneck dumbass bush decided that he wanted to finish what his daddy started back in the early 90s and BK if oil was hte only reason for the wat then why dont we declare war on the United Arab Emirates? or the Saudis? last time i checked there will a crapload of american CIVILIANS being killed in Saudi Arabia every day oil was not the only cause for the Iraq invasion we shoulda just kept to Afghanistan searching for Bin Laden instead of having our allies do it for us

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